Jack Crosby
Jack was a founder of one of the better known venture capital groups in the USA and is a business leader in the field of media (especially Cable TV and the Cinema industry) and a director of a number of international public and private companies. Jack has an extensive personal and institutional history of international investment at both start up and development stages. Jack´s relationship with Michael Woolley dates back to 1978.
Based in Austin Texas, but with business interests throughout the Americas, he is presently principally involved in the investor relations and corporate governance aspects of the business. |
Michael Woolley
Michael is a Chartered accountant and is primarily responsible for investment appraisals, credit appraisals and corporate structuring. Michael has specialist knowledge of international tax and financial reporting, and in that capacity has acted as an advisor to the world’s largest bond rating agency and international banking organisations for a number of years. In a similar vein, he has advised a number of international banks on credit management solutions, especially in the real estate field and interpreting financial accounting standards in the UK, EU and USA. Michael has been a director of a number of public and private companies on a worldwide basis. |
Michael Lehrter
Michael spent over a decade as a senior executive with Dell Inc., where he was responsible for development, marketing and operational management of several major territories, opening Dell's businesses in South Africa and the Emergent Markets. Based in Austin and London, he now is a private investor and director of several private businesses in the US and the UK. Michael is responsible for the commercial management advisory services with a particular bias to procurement and marketing. Michael was also lead partner in the Life Settlements Management business, based in Luxembourg. |
Adrian Loader
Adrian is a former Coutts banker and oversees the partnership’s statutory and financial management functions, interacting directly with a wide range of clients. He has a particular knowledge of the real estate and hospitality industries but with considerable past experience in the auto components and storage industries.
Adrian is the Managing Partner of the Rust Group.
Ian Hazeel
Ian, a Chartered Secretary, worked for many years in the City of London in corporate finance and as a senior officer in the investment management sector. A co-founder of one of the UK’s largest property finance broking companies and a consultant to a Venture Capital Group as an interim manager, he is presently executive chairman of, or an active director in, a number of private companies largely based in the engineering, business services and real estate sectors. London based, Ian is particularly strong in building relationships with private investors. |
Jim Nayyar
Company Registration Number: 5595715
copyright © Rust Group L.P. 2010